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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
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Your body is your vehicle Anatomy and physiology are some of my favorite topics, and I find the complexity of the human body absolutely amazing! It is made up of several interrelated systems that work together to maintain a stable internal environment and just like your vehicle, it connects you with places and takes you
I was my own worst enemy Ten years ago, I was very fearful. I had very low self-esteem. I also carried a lot of anger, and the person I was angry at most, was me. By the time I was 41, my internal anger caught up with me.  I was 70 pounds overweight, prediabetic, dealing
Clarity is important All journeys are similar. They require getting clear on your destination and where you’re starting from, which makes everything else in between so much easier. The good thing is you don’t have to have all the answers before you start. You need to just start moving so that you can begin to
Life happens in stages Years ago, I used to be so shy, I was afraid to order pizza. Fast forward a couple of decades and I struggled with weight loss resistance, and chronic fatigue. I was already 70 pounds overweight when I learned I was pre-diabetic with fatty liver disease and gallbladder disease, and if