It happens every day. Someone goes to the doctor’s office for a routine exam or for a recurring symptom and is told that he or she has diabetes or pre-diabetes. When doctors give these diagnoses, they almost always prescribe a lifelong medication regimen, encourage the patient to eat healthy and exercise and give little other
On April 30, 2013, our office was honored to have Rachel Oliver share her challenges and struggles with being overweight. With such honesty, passion and emotion, she shared her amazing heartfelt story. It was her strong determination, faith and trust in God that led her to be chosen for the show Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss
Many of us strive to be healthy, but do we understand what it really means? Before you read on, ask yourself, “What does being healthy really mean?” According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is
As a nation, the United States is heading toward a sedentary, obese and very unhealthy condition. Individual sickness, unhealthy eating, pharmaceutical drug intake and personal disability are all on the rise. Lost time at work and even the costs for premature death add up to billions of dollars annually. The question of where to turn
Stress that is short-lived can be beneficial in that it serves to focus our attention on important matters. However, when stress becomes ongoing and chronic, it can cause immense problems for the sufferer and may end up in depression. It can adversely affect our performance at work and elsewhere, and it can lead to a
I enjoy listening to Wayne Dyer. In his lecture, “The Power of Intention,” he said many thought provoking things, but one thing that stood out to me was when he said, “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time.” As a natural healthcare practitioner, I would like to rephrase that to say, “Health is