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Are you ready to change?

After the birth of my sons, I found myself struggling with my weight.  I thought I was doing the right things, I ate well, I exercised, and I still managed to accumulate and extra seventy pounds. Of course I tried to justify it with the fact I was thirty-six and forty when I had my children, but something still felt “off”. Not only was I overweight, but I also suffered from frequent headaches, fatty liver, pre-diabetes, fatigue, depression and chronic lower back pain.

On my forty-first birthday, I looked in the mirror and was disgusted at what I saw.  I was embarrassed, ashamed, and frustrated.


How many of you can relate to this? Have you ever gotten so wrapped up in our current situation, that it seemed like there was no way out. Did you feel hopeless?  I understand.  I have been there. It is so hard to think rationally when you are in that place.  But when I looked in the mirror that day, I made a choice.  I made the choice to get my health back.  I have two boys that depend on me. I have patients that looked to me for guidance and direction. It became my mission to figure out what was going on with my health not just for my sake, but for my family’s sake and for my patient’s sake.  And with that major shift, I began my journey to healing.

The most important thing I discovered was that there is such a deep connection between your inner world and outer world. Before I was able to change my body, I had to change my mind. I also learned that the same principles that got my health back, applied to all aspects of my life. In my new book, A Journey to Healing: 5 Stages to Achieving More Freedom in Your Health and Your Life, not only do I share my story, but I also share some tools and strategies that will empower you to get your health on the right track.

What are you ready to change?  Are you ready to change it? Don’t wait!  Your time has come for this.  Begin your journey to healing today. Go to AJourneyToHealingBook.com now to order your copy.  Let this book be be your roadmap to guide you from where you are to where you want to be.